Employer sponsored qualified plans need various professional partners to help navigate the demanding issues these plans encompass. Each sponsored plan under ERISA law is required to have a named fiduciary (person or entity) designated to have oversight of the provided plans operations. For some plans that fiduciary may be a business owner, a partner, investment committee, or the company’s board of directors. Either way that fiduciary role is a very important role and should not be taken lightly as it encompasses major liability.
At Money Management Services, we will contract as your plans investment fiduciary or co-fiduciary function. As that function we have the professional expertise to select investment options, monitor options, create/manage models, educate participants, manage a pension plan, and assist board of directors or investment committees in their prudent investment processes and decisions. Because we’re an Independent Registered Investment Advisory firm, we already have a fiduciary responsibility leaving us professionally equipped to handle your plans prudent investment process. We operate only under a fee arrangement leaving us fully transparent to you and completely objective to the investment selection options.